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L-1A (Intra-Company Transferee/ Manager Visa)

 فيزا L-1A


فيزا تتيح للشركات في الخارج ان تفتح فرعا لها في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية و ارسال موظف ليشرف على اعمالها الجديدة في الولايات المتحده


:شروط L-1A فيزا


ينبغي ان يكون الشخص المرسل مديرا او مسؤولا تنفيذيا في الشركة الام

ينبغي ان يكون الشخص المرسل قد عمل في الشركة الام لمدة لا تقل عن سنة عمل متواصلة

ينبغي ان تكون الشركة الام لديها 10 موظفين على الأقل


:اجراءات  L-1A فيزا


الخطوة الاولى: تجهيز الوثائق المطلوبة من الشركة الام ,, الوثائق يجب ان تكون باللغتين الانجليزية و العربية 

الخطوة الثانية: استئجار مكتب في الولايات المتحده مكون على الاقل من 2 غرفة,, تتفاوت الاسعار من مدينة لمدينة ومن ولاية لاخرى

الخطوة الثالثة: على مسجل العمل التجاري ان يكون شخصيا في الولايات المتحده ويفتح حساب بنكي هناك

الخطوة الرابعة: تجهيز خطة عمل "الخطة الاقتصادية" تشرح فيها عن العمل الجديد في الولايات المتحده ومدى نجاحه


:فوائد L-1A  فيزا


     واطفاله الغير متزوجين تحت سن 21  L-1A تؤهل زوج/ زوجة حامل

تؤهل زوج / زوجة حامل   فيزا  من الحصول على إذن بالعمل في الولايات المتحده

تتيح لاطفال حامل تأشيرة  فيزا من الالتحاق بالمدارس في الولايا ت المتحده

 تتيح لحاملي تأشيرات  فيزا من الحصول على ارقام ضمان اجتماعي

تتيح لحاملي تأشيرات  فيزا من الحصول على رخصة قيادة طالما تم استيفاء شروط العمر في الدولة



:شرح عن هذا النوع من التاشيرات


تأشيرة المدير الخيار الأنسب للأشخاص الذين لديهم شركات خارج الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيه و يرغبون بالدخول الى سوق الولايات المتحدة عن طريق فتح فرع أو مكتب لهم عن طريق ارسال المدير التنفيذي للمباشرة باجراءات التسجيل و بوقت قليل نسبيا


The L-1 visa is a temporary non-immigrant visa which allows companies to relocate foreign qualified employees to its U.S. subsidiary or parent company. The qualified employee must have worked for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of the company for at least one year out of the last three years. The U.S. company must be a parent company, child company, or sister company to the foreign company. The L1 visa may also include non-profit, religious, or charitable organizations.


The spouse of the transferee and his or her unmarried kids are entitled admission into the U.S. on L-2 status. Also, the spouse is entitled to an employment authorization during the entire period of his/her L-2 status. The L-1A is a useful tool to transfer and relocate foreign managers to related U.S. companies, but there is a few of other visa classifications to consider, and they are the E-2 (Certain eligible countries), Eb-5 and H-1B.


In addition, throughout the entire duration the foreign executive manager’s stay in the U.S., the organization must be “Doing Business” through entities with both in the U.S. and one foreign country that qualifies under what’s called the “qualifying relationship” such as affiliate or branch. The definition of “Doing Business” means the continuous, systematic and regular provision of goods and or services which does not include the mere presence of an office or an agent of the foreign company in the U.S. As mentioned earlier, the transferee must have worked during the three years preceding filing the L-1A petition in an executive or managerial capacity. For an example, working as an independent freelancer or contractor is not enough to satisfy this requirement.


L1A visas are designed for intra-company executive transferees coming to work in the United States. The L1A visa holders must have been employed in an executive or managerial capacity for the foreign company at an overseas location continuously for at least one year out of the past three years. In addition, the L1A visa allows a company which does not currently have a U.S. office to send an executive or manager to the United States in order to establish one. L1A visa is granted initially for one year for a new company in the US or three years for a US company with more than one year in existence, with extensions available in two-year increments, with a total stay not to exceed seven years.


Also, the L-1A has no annual limitations on the number of petitions that can be granted in oppose to other petitions such as the H-1B. Also, there are no specific wage requirements for L1A employees, also known as the prevailing wage.Moreover, the employment of the L-1A should be temporary by nature. Although an L-1A applicant may qualify for a Green Card petition after one year from obtaining the L-1A petition, still the immigration require that the L-1A petitioner prove that this executive manager will depart the country after completing his/her temporary employment in the U.S. Also, the wages for the U.S. employment can be paid by the U.S. entity or by the foreign company. The executive manager coming to open a new office may be admitted to the U.S. for an initial period not to exceed one year which can later on be extended up to seven years, which allows the immigration to screen the start-up business. The immigration has placed certain requirements to meet the statutory elements of opening a “new office”. The new office must demonstrate that the U.S. entity and its operation will satisfy within a year the “doing business” requirement.  For new offices the following must be met to satisfy the statutory requirements:


1) Leasing or buying physical premises to house the new operation. It should be noted that virtual offices are not recommended and more likely will adversely affect the L-1A petition.


2) Securing enough financial support to sustain the new office. This can be satisfied by a letter from the board of directors pledging to dedicate certain capital to house the new office.


3) A business plan is important to show the organizational structure of the foreign and U.S. office. It should be noted that the business plan must be credible and based on tangible facts and sound business principles, not just mere speculation.


4) make sure that the office you plan to open in the U.S. doesn’t require certain licenses or governmental approvals, such as liquor stores, etc.


5) Obtaining a federal employment number to facility opening bank accounts, hiring employees, etc.  

E-2 Visa (Treaty Country Visa)

ملخص تأشيرة E-2


التأشيرة هي تأشيرة استثمار تتطلب ان يقوم الشخص بأستثمار رأس مال معين في الولايات المتحدة , إما لإنشاء مشروع تجاري او شراءه. هذا ينطبق على دول محددة, و يعتمد رأس المال على نوع المشروع التجاري الذي سينشأ. بعض الخدمات الموجهه للمشاريع التجارية, يمكن و يفضّل ان يكون مبلغ الاستثمار يصل الى 100.000 دولار. السؤال المطروح غالباً حول هذا النوع من الاستثمار هو هل يجب ان يكون المبلغ المخصص للاستثمار ملك للمستثمر ام لا. بعبارة اخرى, هل يمكن للمستثمر  الاعتماد على منحة مالية او قرض للبدء بالمشروع. هذه المقالة تلخص كل متطلبات هذا المجال.


هل من الممكن ان يكون المبلغ المخصص لإستثمار منحة مالية؟؟

الجواب الواضح هو نعم. لأن قوانين التأشيرة تنص على ان المنحة المالية جائزة. على سبيل المثال, المنحة المالية او الهبة من فرد من افراد العائلة تعتبر مقبوله نظراً لقرب صلة القرابة. بالاضافة ان المنحة المالية المستخدمة للتأشيرة من الممكن ان تقدم من صديق مقرب, و العلاقة الوطيدة بين المستثمر و الصديق من الممكن توضيحها في الوثائق الداعمة للمشروع. في حال تم الغاء المنحة المالية في مرحلة ما متقدمة يجعل من المحقق ييشكك في صحة المنحة. لا توجد قاعدة مطلقة هنا و لكن يجب مراعاة المنطق العام لتقيم ما يمكن ان يفكر فيه شخص مطلع اخر, حول دواعي هذه المنحة المالية.


هل من الممكن ان يكون المبلغ المخصص لإستثمار قرضا؟


نعم, و لكن من الممكن ان يسبب مشاكل و يتسبب بتعقيد الموضوع.





المتطلب 1 : الاستثمار في مشروع قائم او جديد


يحدد مركزخدمات المواطنة والهجرة الامريكية مفهوم استثمار بانه عملية وضع رأس المال بما فيه من اموال و ممتلكات اخرى بهدف تحقيق الربح مع توقع احتمالية المغامره برأس المال. الاستثمار الخاص بك قد يكون لغايات انشاء مشروع جديد او شراء مشروع موجود مسبقاً. في كلتا الحالتين يجب عليك ان تقدم اثبات ان رأس مال الاستثمار موجود و حقيقي.


المتطلب 2 : الاستثمار يجب ان يكون في مشروع  حسن النية و ليس هامشي


المشروع حسن النية هو مشروع حقيقي, فعّال تجارياً او مشروع منظّم و الذي يوفر خدمات او بضائع بهدف الربح. ولا يجب ان يكون المشروع خاملا و موقوفاً بهدف احتمالية رفع الاسعار, كما يفعل المستثمر في الاراضي و العقارات الغير مستثمرة الموقوفة بنية عدم مباشرة مشروع فيها.

المشاريع الهامشية هي التي لا تنتج اكثر من الدخل الكافي القليل لك و لعائلتك, ولا مساهمة اقتصادية ذات اهمية.



المتطلب 3 : امتلاك رأس المال الكافي للاستثمار, و رأس المال هذا يجب ان مخصص للمشروع


يجب عليك ان تقدم اثبات ان رأس المال المستثمر مودع للمشروع و غير قابل للنقض, و يخضع ل خسارة جزئية او كلية في حال فشل المشروع. الاموال المستثمرة يجب ان تكون لك. بالاضافة الى ان الاموال المستثمرة يجب ان تكون كافية ومناسبة بالنسبة لكافة التكاليف سواءاً ل شراء مشروع قائم او انشاء مشروعك الذي تفكر فيه.


المتطلب 4 : التزويد بمصدر التمويل الخاص بك


يجب عليك ان تقدم مسار قانوني لمصدر كسب رأس المال الذي ستستثمره. و يجب عليك ان تقدم اثبات ان مصدر تمويل المشروع  غير مكتسبة بوسائل إجرامية.

:هناك بعض الادلة التي يمكن تقديمها و التي توضح مصدر رأس المال, و تتضمن:


  • حوالة بنكية, حوالة مالية/او الشيكات الملغاة

  • كشوفات حساب داخلية و خارجية

  • عوائد الضرائب الخارجية

  • سجلات الدفع

  • سجلات الاملاك

  • قرض او اتفاقيات الرهن العقاري



المتطلب 5 : القدوم الى الولايات المتحدة للتطوير و المباشرة بالمشروع


يجب عليك ان تظهر انك سوف تطور و تقود المشروع الاستثماري وذلك عن طريق تقديم مايوضح حق الملكية بنسبة لا تقل عن 50 بالمئة من قيمة المشروع, او انك تملك السيطرة على العمليات من خلال منصب اداري او اجهة الشركة.



ان هذا النوع من التأشيرات يمنح للأشخاص الراغبين بالأستثمار في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و لديهم القدرة على ذلك و في نفس الوقت لديه حياه مستقرة نسبيا و لديهم اعمالهم في بلدهم الأم تمنح هذه التأشيرة للشخص المستثمر هو و عائلتة و تكون مدة التأشيرة سنتين تجدد تلقائيا لسنتين لمدى الحياة و تمنحه جميع حقوق المواطن الأمريكي ما عدا حق التصويت يستطيع فتح حسابات بنكية و تأمين صحي له و لجميع أفراد عائلتة و يستطيع تسجيل أولادة بالمدارس مجانا و يحق لزوجتة أن تعمل و يحق لة التملك, أن هذا النوع من التأشيرات مناسب جدا للأشخاص الذين يملكون رأس المال القليل نسبيا.


ان هذا النوع من التأشيرات لا ينتهي ولا بأي حال من الأحوال بجنسية 


E-2 Visa Intro


An E-2 Visa is an investor visa that requires an entrepreneur to invest a certain amount of capital in the in the United States to either start a business or purchase one. The entrepreneur must be from certain countries and the amount of the investment depends on the type of business being set up. For some service oriented businesses, the investment amount could be preferably as low as $100,000. One question that often comes up about the investment is whether or not the money invested had to “belong” to the investor. That is, can an E-2 investor rely on a gift or a loan to start their enterprise. This article summarizes the requirements in this area.


Can the E-2 Money be a gift?


The clear answer here is yes as E-2 visa regulations clearly state that a gift is permissible. That being said, the reason for the gift has to make sense. For example, gifts from immediate family members are quite plausible given the close connection. In addition, a gift that will be used for an E-2 visa could come from a close friend and the close ties between the investor and the friend could be explained in the supporting documentation. The further removed the gift giver is though, the more chance that the examiner will question the legitimacy of the gift. There is no hard and fast rule here but one should use common sense to assess what a 3rd party reviewer would think about the reasons for the gift.




Yes, but it is frowned upon and it can cause many complications.




Requirement 1


USCIS defines an E-2 investment as the investor’s placing of capital, including funds and other assets, at risk in the commercial sense with the objective of generating a profit. Your investment may be for the purpose of establishing a new business venture, or purchasing a pre-existing business. In either scenario, you must demonstrate that the capital you are investing is substantial.


Requirement 2 (Investment bust be a bona fide enterprise, not a marginal business)


A bona fide enterprise is one that is a real, active commercial or entrepreneurial undertaking which produces services or goods for profit.  The enterprise cannot be an idle investment held for potential appreciation in value, such as undeveloped land or stocks held by an investor who has no intent to direct the enterprise.

A marginal enterprise is one that will not generate more than enough income to provide a minimal living for you and your family or to make a significant economic contribution.


Requirement 3 (Possess the funds you will invest, and funds must be committed to the business)


You must demonstrate that the capital you invest is irrevocably committed to the enterprise and subject to partial or total loss in the event that the entity fails. The funds you invest must also be your own. Additionally, the invested funds must be substantial in relationship to the total cost of either purchasing an established enterprise or creating the type of enterprise you are considering. 


Requirement 4 (Provide Source of your funding)


You must show a clear and legitimate path regarding the source of the capital you will be investing. You must also demonstrate that the funds you are investing have not been obtained through criminal means.

Some of the evidence you may submit to demonstrate the source of your capital includes:

•                Wire transfers, money orders, and/or canceled checks

•                Foreign and domestic bank statements

•                Foreign tax returns

•                Pay records

•                Property records

•                Loan and/or mortgage agreements



Requirement 5 (Coming to America to develop and direct enterprise)


You must show that you will develop and direct the investment enterprise by demonstrating ownership of at least 50 percent of the enterprise, or by possessing operational control through a managerial position or other corporate devices. 




If I apply for an E2 visa are my spouse and children covered by my application? Yes.


Can my spouse work in the US? Yes.


Can my children work in the US? No, not under the E2.


How long am I allowed to stay in the United States with my E-2 visa? An E-2 Visa is not an immigrant visa—so it will not grant you the right to permanently remain the U.S. Also, an E2 visa does guarantee admission into the US; it allows you to travel to the US and then to apply for a treaty investor. An inspector from the US Customs and Border Protection of the Department of Homeland Security makes the decision whether or not you can be admitted into the US.


How long does an E-2 petition take to process? Regular processing takes approximately 15 weeks. USCIS offers expedited 15-day Premium Processing for an additional fee of $1,225.


What kind of businesses qualify? A vast variety of businesses can qualify. What is important is that the business makes more than sufficient income to support you and your family and that it creates employment.


Do franchises qualify for E-2 visas? Yes, and there are the same requirements for a franchised business as any other type of business, whether it is a new franchise or an already existing franchise.


What happens if I later sell my business? If you sell the business without first purchasing another business that qualifies, you are no longer eligible for the E-2 status. If that happens then you either have to leave the US, or you can apply to change your status status.

EB-5 Visa

EB- 5 immigrant investor process


Eb-5 visa is a swift way to obtain your green card for your and your immediate family members. It doesn’t requires certain education, experience or anything else other then obtaining the legal age to enter into a legal transaction, prove of source of income and lack of any inadmissibility issues such as certain deceases, previous illegal stay in the US, crimes, etc.


An alien entrepreneur once approved upon applying form I- 526 petition, he/she can adjust their legal status with USCIS which grants them permanent residence for a 2 year period, after that the investor should file form I- 829 three months prior to the 2 year approval expiration date to grant them a permanent status for themselves and their families. The investor should provide documents that prove that they invested in a new commercial business and invested an amount of $ 500,000 or one million dollars based on the geographical area and that the new commercial business will create at least 10 full time direct jobs for the 1 million or 10 indirect jobs for the $500,000 investment.


Proving Source of income of Eb-5 visa applicants.


Moreover, the investor must prove his source of income. This can be a hard task to achieve for many investors especially that immigration denials are because of lack of the investor’s ability to prove his source of income.


source of income can be proved in different ways. For an example a professional such as a doctor can show his previous deposits during a long period of time which accumulated to the requested amount of investment. An inheritance can be another way of showing source of income. A gift from a siblings or a parent can also be proven by showing the source of income from the grantor or the person giving the gift. Same applies to business owners who can prove their source of income by linking both the personal and business account together. In other words, the business owner must show or prove that the money that is in his personal bank account was a direct result of his business operations.


Children less than 21 years of age


Usually, the beneficiary of the Eb-5 petition (the investor) can sponsor or apply for his/her immediate family members, such as spouse and children. The children must be less then 21 years of age at the time the I-526 (the initial temporary green card application) was filed. The children may be protected in some cases even if child reaches 21 while the petition is still pending with the USCIS.


EB- 5 Regional center


A new program for investors which is called the investor pilot program , utilizes a regional center which is an economic unit enhancing growth and job creation, whose organizers must prove their impact on the local or national economy . Two forms which are I-924  or I-924 A are used for an investor to apply which could take up to 10 months for approval.


The regional center can be terminated  by the USCIS if not found feasible or fraud has been detected , and there is no guarantee by the government to change the investor’s legal status.


Immigrant investor regional centers


A list of regional centers is available listed by state alphabetically , and the approval of an EB-5 regional center application by the USCIS doesn’t necessarily mean endorsement and doesn’t minimize risk to the investor


Questions and Answers : EB- 5 Economic methodologies


USCIS provides clarification to 2 main questions :


1.) For projects that involve hotel development , the investor should provide proof that the development  has resulted in an increase in visitor’s spending and thus resulted in the raising of employment in the area.


2.) A regional center may use funds provided by EB- 5  investor to purchase real estate which could result in an increase in employment.




We also deal with all kinds of immigration visas, such as, Student, Fiancee, Asylum Visas and more.

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